Osage Orange Wood Beaver & Cottonwood Bundle

By Peter Sohappy, New Mexican

Animal: Beaver, Material: Osage Orange Wood
This offering is sold.

Thorny Osage orange trees are a member of the Moraceae family native to the south-central region of the United States. The trees yield large round bumpy fruits with seeds that only a few animals will eat, like squirrels and deer. The durable and strong wood was traditionally used by Indigenous cultures to make bows and war clubs. To this day, the wood is still utilized in bow making. It's also used in traditional Comanche medicine. Peter Sohappy's elongated Beaver is carved from stained Osage orange wood to a length of about 10 1/2" plus a 9" leather tassel representative of water. The water friend is about 1 5/8" wide and 1" tall. Actinolite and silver disc beads adorn as well. A lovely bundle of cottonwood buds accompany the beaver. Cottonwood bark is a favorite food. A stunning and collectible 2-piece set.

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