Great Ape Conservation

By Herbert Halate

Animal: Gorilla, Material: Zuni Cedar
This offering is sold.

Education is critical in raising awareness regarding the importance of conserving magnificent gorillas and other great apes. They are classified as Critically Endangered having suffered extensive population declines because of political conflicts, habitat loss, exposure to disease, poaching and effects of climate change. Herbert Halate's gorilla has been carved from naturally fragrant Zuni cedar. Eyes are from turquoise inlays while little nostrils are drilled. Gorillas possess great upper body strength with arms longer and more muscular than their legs. Knuckle-walking, they are larger than any other living primate. Crucial in spreading biodiversity, powerfully intelligent gorillas wander large territories, depositing seeds from the fruits and plants they eat. About 3 3/8" tall, 2" wide and 1 3/4" deep.

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