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Benina Kallestewa
is backordered. We will ship it separately when it becomes available.
A Medicine-bear by Benina Kallestewa is like a kiss of sunshine carved from cheery calcite said to bring harmony and balance to those who possess it. The sun is our most important source of energy. The color yellow has an uplifting effect on the mind. Eyes are from cultured opal inlays. Dimensions of this vibrant yellow Bear are about 3" long, 1" wide and 1 3/4" tall.
Kateri Quandelacy Sanchez, Zuni-Acoma
Most blue calcite originates from Mexico although it is found on every continent. This rare material is adored by many, said to calm the emotional body and assist in seeing reality clearly. In nature, an Owl has excellent eyesight. These extraordinary raptors are often referred to as the Night Grandfather in Zuni because they use good judgement seeing what others cannot. What a meaningful combination of creature and mineral by Kateri Quandelacy Sanchez. Eyes are enchanted, from jet in gold lip shell. About 2" tall, 2" wide and 1" deep.
Daryl Shack, Sr.